(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Marvin Advergames Check out for more games!

Support Marvin to upgrade One Finger Doom!


This is a tribute to Doom, probably the greatest game in the world!

Smashed into a 2D version as an arcade game for smartphones or not, fast and easy to play,

with different kind of weapons, iconic enemies, high score and skulls collectable to power up,

basically a top down shooter to play with only one finger... Just choose the right one!

The game is still under development, any suggestion is welcome!


Claudio Cimini - Developer

Andrea Sbrascini - Beta Tester

Assets, sprites and music from Doom I,II (ID SOFTWARE and BETHESDA)

ripped by: Hax4Ever, DolphMan, Dunkelschwamm, Nai255, GamingGargoyle

To install the game on iPhone - iOS:

Open the following link in Safari / Click share button / Add to home 


StatusIn development
PlatformsHTML5, Android
Rated 4.1 out of 5 stars
(24 total ratings)
AuthorMarvin Advergames
Made withConstruct
Tags16-bit, 8-Bit, Arcade, Horror, Pixel Art, Retro, Shoot 'Em Up, Top-Down, Top down shooter


OneFingerDoom_app 3.3 MB

Development log


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(1 edit)

There's a bug I encountered where the first enemy does not spawn when starting the game (And no others follow suit), I think maybe I clicked too fast after the game restarted my last loss?
Edit: I think it was when an enemy was JUST spawning and I was killed, the screen transitioned, then I tried starting it up again and nothing spawns in.

Thank's for playing and for bug report, that's clear, it goes on our list.

I love the concept of the game! Could I put the link to it on my site? In any case I admire your work.


Sure man, you can do that, thanks!


Fuck it's too much good

Thank you very much for playin'!🙌

I wish you could switch the controls so you could use keys instead of having to click and drag but other than that this game is amazing.  

Hi, the reason of mouse/touch control is that i didn't want to put any buttons on screen and have the same verion running for desktop and mobile. Thanks so much for feedback!

The game is fun and good if you can make more doom game pls tell me I love it 👍

(1 edit)

Thanks, if so, you'll be the first one to know it.🙌


I don't think drugs are as addictive as this game.


Bruh am I the only one that is having trouble with this game

First enemy moves to the bottom of my screen way too fast for me to kill it, and I'm getting every single shot in

It could be because this game does not have fps or Hz limits, so  for example if you run it on a minitor of 144.000Hz the game will be faster. We should fix this i know. thanks for playing!

Don't let em hit your gun

Even a gun can have a heart in videogames :)

this wasn't on purpose


ahaha that's awesome, you should win a prize for that!


my man, you need to make the game harder. my score is 13,772, and that's with short distractions. great game btw!

Wow! Thats a really high score, you could be the king of the leaderbord if we reach our goal, for sure it will be harder. May i ask, on which device are you playing it? thanks!

im on pc. maybe adding more enemys will be good.

Thanks! 👍

Deleted post

(〃 ̄︶ ̄)人 thanks!

Which doom are the grey skulls that explode green from?


Hey Doom guy, I think it is from the mobile version of Doom  II RPG, they were called phantoms. There should be also a blue version of it in the same game, called Nightmares. 🙌

very cool game


Thanks DoomGuy!

Doomguys favorite game

Thank you Doomguy! \^o^/

Can you add some bosses? Specifically the CyberDemon and Spider Mastermind

(2 edits)

Yes, I'd like to add more enemies if i will ever be able to get back on this. Thank you!

I like this game. I am playing it, as you intended, in phone and there are two problems. First, the cost of upgrade is completely cut off, you can only see the first number, after the price raises to 100. Second, enemies are a bit too big. I think they need to be shrunk down a bit.

Thanks, I'll try to solve it for next version, have you tried to play it horizontally? 

On mobile, in browser, yes. But upper and lower parts of screen were cut off and on my phone, the game was lagging, but it's probably just a problem of my phone.

I also tried flipping the phone to the side with apk version of game and it's not working.

Yes, it would need some fixes, i hope i will get back on it soon, thank you.

how do i delete my progress

Delete the browser caches. 

swiping left to hard on computer murders you




Nice doom clicker! 


really great game :)

my best was 1159

Thanks Bro! that's not bad.🙌


I've lost my progress in the game! How can i recover it?


I'm afraid you can't, the storage is saved in the cache of the browser you have used. If you have android, you can install the .apk so it will not be played by the browser.  


could you make a download to pc bc i hate not being full screen

on 16:9 full screen you will have the top and bottom cutted, this game was meant to be for mobile in portrait mode, but its also responsive... however you can try it, now there is a full screen botton.

while playing my screen turns mostly red but still playable it was just annoying can you tell me what it was

Thanks for reporting this bug, but I have no idea what it could be....kinda cool though ... probably is just the evilness of doom taking control of your device😆Have you tried with others device or browser?

no, I've just been using the itch.io version I've only gotten it three times i just reload the page and it goes away

this is way to addicting


Deleted 2 years ago

😂 I didn't know about that version, so fun! At first I thought was the HD version of it, but no, it's a lot better one, and it would be great in one finger version, I'll keep in mind, thank you!

Deleted 2 years ago



Love this concept. Got a suggestion: could you make it so the background moves so it looks like you're walking around (on rails) shooting at the enemies? The static background is a little boring...

Keep up the great work!

True, that could be cool actually, to try to remake a top view level map moving and turning around.... nice... i used to try different backgrounds but i decided at the end to keep the background more neutral so the player dont get too much distractions to avoid enemies, this is an older version with different background:


thank you!

how in the hell did i beat the baron 

i killed 4 barons now

wo, you are a master now, thank you for playing it bro!

your welcome!!

i think im going crazy. i somehow got 2285 score hd

that's high! 🙌

now its 5095 fgwdgqwh

wow that's a record!... I should make a leaderboard for this game some day

add more entitys or something
List of entitys i want added :
1. Revenant
2. Baron
3. Pinky
4. Spider mastermind

yes, that would be great, i need to put my hands back on it someday, thank you!

(1 edit)

i was so close to beating the baron heuhwiuhdiwqhdgqwdqwd. i have skill issue

another idea : maybe add a health meter? its okay if you dont add this

The baron is hard to reach, well done!...thanks for advice.

please add a shop where you can upgrade the tank or gun


Hi, you can use the skulls to power up in the main menu already, but yes I need to improve that to make it more understandable. thank you!

Really good game. It's great for when you are just generally bored and you need to take just a little bit of time off your hands.

True, I still play it  this way too, tnks! 🙌

Huh. So funny :) 


i lost my progress how do i fix it

oh shit bro im sorry....you might have cleaned the chaches of the browser or using a different one or other device... if you dont want to be sure to not lose data you might have to download the apk, or, if on ios, open in safari and then add to home, thanks man!

i play in PC

as a doom fan i would say this is perfect also i have 1877 top score

yay bro! That’s high!! Tnku so much🙌

As an avid doom fan I can't express how good this is, the presentation is amazing, everything looks so smooth and works so nicely and the gameplay although a little tedious is a unique variation on the usual mobile friendly type games that is helped on by its neat charm. Fantastic work, definitely gonna keep an eye on your future projects  


Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it. ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Ma quindi il gioco e' fattp da italiani! Comunque e' bellissimoo


Grazie!! Si sì realizzato da me 🙌🙏

rip and tear

that's the right mood!🙌

Fantastico e super divertente!!!

WOW, ma come hai fatto a fare il link iOS??

ma grazie! Semplicemente esportando in html5 comprimi la cartella in un file .zip e lo carichi su questo sito: https://app.netlify.com/drop






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